When you go to an event dubbed Greek Fest 07, you expect gyros, blue-and-white, a fair share of Catsopouloses and Stephanopoulouses.
What we didn't really expect was salsa dancing. But considering this is smack-dab in the middle of an area of LA known as the Byzantine-Latino Quarter, I guess it wasn't too much of a stretch.
Anyway, it is a commonly known fact that Gail loves to dance. Combine that with her dashing good looks and some spirited Latin men, and you're in for quite the evening...
Gail and I staked a claim on the very edge of the dance floor, the only nook from which we could get a good view of the band. We settled down in the corner of the linoleum, ready to hear some good music.
But no sooner had the band played a few bars than I turn around to find that Gail is GONE!! I scan the dance floor anxiously until I see her curly hair bouncing up and down. There she is, in the arms of slight, midd
le aged man with faint body odor who is wearing -- suspiciously -- all black.
He's intent on her. She's intent on the moves. The whole scene is just downright intense.
I quickly grab the camera to get some shots, but it's difficult. There's a whole lot of twirling, pretzel-twisting and hip-swinging. The "AUTO" mode on my camera is having serious issues trying to catch the dancing without major blurring. I'm clicking away like the paparazzi, when all of a sudden, I see a flash of movement --
Gail is on the floor!
Apparently her partner got a little too into the dance and attempted a dip. But he didn't really know what he was doing. He dropped her. Yikes.
Fortunately, a guy from the crowd noticed Gail's skillful moves and swooped in to the rescue for the second dance. He was portly, in his 20s, and indubitably the best dancer in the house. He even had white patent-leather loafers. He didn't mess around.
The result was some definite heat on the dance floor. The clip above is a sampling of that. Warning -- definitely some PG dance moves going on, so exercise discretion when viewing with small children and/or the elderly.
So, it was a spectacular evening -- at least for Gail. The belle of the ball, I think she danced every song. In fact, I practically had to pull her away from one partner, who, after the last dance, was desperately trying to convince her to participate in the Greek dancing competition that was about to take place.
As for me -- for all my trying, it was a tough evening. Here I am, obviously befuddled at what my partner is doing. I think I'll keep these moves in storage a little longer and focus on videography for the time being...