Gail and I had pretty much the luckiest day of our young lives.
The day started out with Gail keeled over, blow-drying her hair upside down and me stressing out about a Spanish assignment. Suddenly, my pink Chocolate phone joined the cacaphony with its grating ring.
Definitely an inconvenience. Especially when the screen read "Restricted Number."
But alas, I answered it. It turned out to be Pam from the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund. I had applied for an internship last month, and Pam was calling to see if I would accept it!!!
I couldn't believe it. I started waving frantically at Gail as she furiously typed away at her computer. She knew the drill. Only an internship could make a resident of room 212 so ecstatic.
Sure enough, I committed right then and there -- to an 11-week paid summer internship sponsored by the Dow Jones Fund and Yahoo News. I will be editing online content at, of all places, South Dakota's premiere newspaper -- the Argus Leader -- in Sioux Falls.
Random location, but I am so thrilled about it that throughout the day, I have spontaneously burst into joyful hysterics.
As if the day couldn't get any better, I received a phone call from Gail during my Torrey session. Unfortunately, one is not advised to answer calls during a session, so Gail persisted with three more calls.
When I finally walked back into room 212, I was met with none other than Gail -- in her own set of hysterics.
It turns out that she received a friendly little note in her email inbox this afternoon -- from one of the WORLD'S BEST PR FIRMS!!!! It was one of her dream internships ... and now they're knocking on her door inviting her for an interview. If accepted, she would work with clients like Universal Studios Home Entertainment / HD-DVD.
Needless to say, today was our lucky day. Gail has yet to confirm her interview and dream internship with Weber Shandwick, but the possibility is "thrilling," she says.
And we ended our day off with a Ho-ho-Horton all hall event, in which we got to sing Christmas carols. One particular verse stood out:
"We come to make His blessings known, far as the curse is found, far as the
curse is found, far as the curse is found."
I think that will be our theme phrase for these internships...
congratulations amigas! you both are doing very well! please keep us posted on the status of gail and her internships. i think we should celebrate and go dancing!!!!!
congratulations, girls! so ambitious and still so humble. not to mention hilarious... i love reading your blog now and then :]
Gail -- my brother Matt says you look very attractive in this photo.
Wow, congratulations guys! That sounds like pretty exciting stuff!
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