Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dogs vs. Cats

Apart from seeing her family for Thanksgiving, Michelle was probably most elated to be reunited with her cats.

It has been a running joke since junior year that I'm the cat hater and Michelle, of course, is the lover.

Pavlov would be proud of me. Everytime I want to put Michelle in a good mood, I show her the most ridiculously sappy picture of a cat I can find and wait to hear her effusive coos and praises of the feline specie. Good grief and Lord have mercy. The problem is that Michelle's obsession is getting worse. She was in heaven when Michael Farr got her a notebook with cats on the front AND a cat plaque for Christmas. She and Jessica, our housemate, will get together and swap cat pictures and stories, as well as fill each other in on who else is a fellow cat enthusiast. Michelle even convinced the features editor for our campus newspaper to do an entire page about the cats on campus.

I on the other hand, am more inclined toward the consistently happy, loyal dogs--usually the bigger ones because the little ones are too much like cats. They're smart, they protect you and they can play fetch! I got to romp with a neighbor dog at Michelle's grandparents' place, so I guess we were both happy. Me with my dog and Michelle with her cat. To each her own. But the debate continues.

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