Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Friday, November 9, 2007

Surf Report: Pandora

Pandora: A box worth opening
In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman. On the Web, Pandora is, in my opinion, the first worthwhile music source to go to for easy listening. It's basically a radio station without all the commercials--and you get to choose what you want to listen to.

How it works: Just type in your favorite music artist and Pandora will match it with similar artists according to style and sound. You can personalize your "stations" by giving specific songs a thumbs up or down. I love that it introduces me to artists that are similar to the stuff I already know I like. Pandora is my favorite discovery this semester (closely followed by the alt + tab function epiphany).

And now a quote from our most valued critic. Michelle says, " It's the Merlin of music sites. It knows exactly what I want before I know I want it."


Claire Scholl said...

Hey amigas, thank you so much for opening my eyes to this wonderful music site. I am on there all day and I already have like 10 radio stations on my list! I love reading your blog, btw and I am very thankful to have you girls as friends!

Bradley Clarke said...

and this way, you can avoid all the music on the radio presets!!!

Micah Haughey said...

Way to be about 2 years behind the world...