Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Friday, August 14, 2009

OC Fair 2009

It's our first post-graduate summer and we HAD to finish it off with a bang. So we did, along with few other things like rollercoasters, pig races (where Gail led our cheering section in the wave), and a staggering sports performance by Nellie the pig (see Michelle congratulating her below), and don't forget the acrobats and Al's Brain 3-D show.

Gail pulled a few strings at the OC Fair and got Michelle and a few other friends in for free. The theme was "Think Big" and the mascot animal was, of course, the pig.

Perhaps the theme animal was what induced us to buy this massive Mexican funnel cake. At 5 lbs., 2,000 calories, the stack of churro-like coils was more for the wow effect-- eight of us couldn't finish it. Here's to free ride tickets and the end of an incredible summer together.

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